WE manufacture CRYOGENIC TREATMENT EQUIPMENT for mining and industrial applications


CP - 52K 45,000 lbs 1,230 cu feet 9.5’ x 7’ x 18.5’ rectangular CP - 36K 30,000 lbs 932 cu feet 7.2’ x 7’ x 18.5’ rectangular CP - 1200 5,000 lbs 42 cu feet 40” x 63” round CP - 500 2,500 lbs 18 cu feet 31” x 46” round CP - 200 1,500 lbs 7 cu feet 22” x 33” round

All our deep cryogenic treatment processors operate on 110 or 220 V single phase power and are equipped with Allen Bradley or FDC controls. All machines operate in a dry, not liquid, nitrogen environment down to -310°F and have in-situ tempering capability up to 400°F (round chambers). All machines use temperature feedback from multiple static air and dynamic part thermocouples for accurate inner chamber readings.


why Buy cryogenic equipment from dci?

We provide you with a turn-key operation to perform DCT - whether you are a foundry, a service company or a mine. You don’t have to put together a DCT facility - we do that for you.

You’ll get the right DCT equipment, vacuum-jacketed cryogenic hoses, oxygen monitors, safety gear, manuals and training. You’ll get time/temperature formulas to give optimum results - supported by the only DCT research lab in the world. We even manufacture and sell liquid nitrogen generators to supply LN2 on-site in remote locations - lowering GHG and diesel fuel transportation costs.

Our equipment is professionally engineered. The 52K and 36K meet ABSA, UL, CRN and CSA requirements - warranted for a 2 year term. These are the only DCT machines in the world that have received 3rd party qualification and PE stamp approval. The 36K and 52K are made in Canada. The 200, 500 and 1,200 series round machines are made in the USA by ACI.

Call us at 902-329-5466 between 8 - 6 MST Monday - Saturday.

We will support you 24-6 for the entire time you own our equipment. Our technology will increase your uptime, increase miner safety and reduce wear-related operating costs.

Our Mission

Deep Cryogenics International is dedicated to Making Things Last Longer®  — specifically metal and metal-matrix items — by advancing the use of the deep cryogenic process. It’s what we do, it’s what we know and we are very good at it.

Making things last longer® is the eternal engineering challenge.
— Jack Cahn, co-founder, Deep Cryogenics International